
Flying FPV can be an exciting and immersive experience, but it's important to understand the regulations set by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to ensure safety and compliance. Here are some key points that we keep in mind when flying FPV:

  1. Fly within the visual line of sight: CASA requires that you maintain a clear view of your drone at all times while flying FPV. This means you should be able to see your drone with your own eyes without relying solely on the live video feed from your FPV goggles or screen. What this means for us is that for flight missions that require it, our flight crew may consist of a pilot flying the drone FPV, while a secondary observer maintains a visual line of sight (VLOS), supporting the pilot throughout the flight.

  2. Respect airspace restrictions: Make sure you're aware of any airspace restrictions or controlled zones in your flying area. CASA designates certain areas where drone flights are prohibited or require special permissions. These include airports, helipads, and other sensitive locations. Not only do we scout locations prior to flying, we are required to prepare an entire flight plan for CASA approval - this includes identifying the airspace that we will be flying in, and potentially communicating with local airspace.

  3. Fly below the maximum altitude limit: CASA sets a maximum altitude limit for recreational drone flying, which is 120 meters (400 feet) above ground level. This restriction helps ensure the safety of other aircraft and prevents interference with manned aviation. Should further altitude be necessary, our Chief Remote Pilot can request approval to fly in excess of the 120m AGL limit.

  4. Avoid flying over people or crowded areas: To prioritize safety, it's essential to avoid flying directly over people or crowded areas. This minimizes the risk of injury in case of an accident or equipment failure. Any flight missions near or around crowded areas or high foot-traffic areas, we will put up signs and cordon off relevant spaces such as take-off and landing zones.

  5. Maintain privacy and respect others: Be respectful of others' privacy. Avoid recording or flying over private property without permission. Also, respect the privacy and personal space of individuals nearby. Practicing responsible and considerate drone flying helps foster positive relationships with the community. We consider all necessary permissions when mission planning - this can include requests to the general public and private landowners, to surrounding business and council or regulatory authorities.

  6. Stay updated with CASA regulations: Regulations and guidelines regarding drone operations can change over time, so it's important to stay informed about any updates. CASA regularly publishes information on their website, including rules for recreational and commercial drone flying. We ensure all our procedures are up to date and are always engaging in changes in the industry.

You can rest assured that when we’re getting that perfect hero shot of your business that all rules and regulations have been followed, with extensive safety procedures in place, ensuring that the only problem we have, is too much good footage!

For more information, visit CASA.


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